The printing should be silent, so that the anycodings_delphi user is not asked for a filename.Report 1 anycodings_delphi when clicked will make a file called anycodings_delphi c:\1.pdf for example.

Is there a way to anycodings_delphi programatically do this function using a anycodings_delphi third party component. Unfortunately the reporting tool anycodings_delphi component doesnt have pdf export anycodings_delphi functionality. It would be nice to have the report directly anycodings_delphi saved as a pdf file just on click of a anycodings_delphi button. Using anycodings_delphi a free pdf printer like dopdf or cutepdf the anycodings_delphi user can open the report, choose the pdf anycodings_delphi printer, type in the filename and save the anycodings_delphi report as a pdf file.This seems a bit anycodings_delphi tedious