If you do not want to remove it from the hard drive, you can also import it back in the application later. To remove Linux from VirtualBox, follow these steps: first, right-click on the application icon, and then select the “uninstall” option. READ ALSO: How Much Does a Preschool Administrator Make? Moreover, you should be careful to remove all the files associated with the virtual machine. However, be aware that some of the virtual machine images are shared among several VMs. The only problem is that VirtualBox may still have its virtual machine images in the Library folder. You can do this in the Applications folder or through the Launchpad. If you are using Windows and have a virtual machine named Linux installed, you might want to remove it. You may also want to run a “ghost” process to kill the VirtualBox application from your system. Note that the uninstall command will only remove VirtualBox from your desktop, not the Virtual Machine Folder in your home directory.

Type dpkg –get-selections -i virtualbox to find out if VirtualBox is installed on your Ubuntu Desktop. To completely uninstall VirtualBox, you should use the command-line interface. There are several ways to remove VirtualBox from your PC, though, so you can safely remove it from your computer. You can install Android, Windows Install, and other applications with VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a piece of virtualization software that lets you run an OS or application on top of Windows. If you’ve ever encountered an error saying “virtualbox is not compatible with this system” or “Windows cannot find this application”, you’ve probably wondered how to completely remove it. How Do I Uninstall Linux From Windows 10?.

How Uninstall VirtualBox Extension Pack Ubuntu?.